Hi guys.  I'm having trouble forwarding this message for some reason.  Jaws doesn't seem to like it.  I was going to delete all the stuff at the top, but can't seem to do it.  Anyway, below is someone's impression of the Passion movie and how it afected them.
-----Original Message-----
From: Cecily Ballenger [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 11:40 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: FW: The Passion of the Christ

-----Original Message-----
From: Glenda Davis
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 11:32 AM
To: Cecily Ballenger
Subject: FW: The Passion of the Christ

Let me know if you can read this.  This is from someone who saw the movie.
-----Original Message-----
From: Essie Bridges
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 11:24 AM
To: Michelle Bullock; Lorri Ryder; Florence Jenkins; Pam Nordeen; Darlington Ofuasia; Nan Barira; Glenda Davis; Geri Davis; Shelia Noland
Subject: FW: The Passion of the Christ

A very good friend saw the movie on Monday evening, the following is the impression she got. I am forwarding it because it is so profound that I felt her message needs to get out.
God Bless You
Deacon Bob

I wanted to send this last night, but my brain was on overload and I know I couldn't have expressed or put two words together after seeing the movie.  I cried from the minute the movie started and never let up.  I took a wad of Kleenex and practically used it all. 
First, let me try to explain some of my feelings.  When I left the theater I felt a mixture of sadness and anger.  Anger first at myself for having caused Christ so much pain.  Anger at myself for all my sins and transgressions and chastising myself for not being a better person.  As a Christian I know Christ died for my sins.  I know that by his stripes I am saved. This movie has a way of punching you in the stomach and REINFORCING what we know is the truth.
It was overkill on their part -- those that crucified him. It was overkill on the part of those that scourged him and crucified him. I must warn you that it is GRAPHICALLY DEPICTED.   You will see everything done to Jesus and it wrenches your heart and your soul.  I kept saying, "I'm so sorry, Jesus" throughout the movie.  I'm sure a few times I must have gasped out loud.  I bit my hand a few times too so I wouldn't cry outloud.  The most important feeling I had upon reflection was that I felt that it was only me and Jesus.  I was not aware of other people in the theater at all.  It was just the two of us in an encounter.  Everything he said, he said to me.  That is the feeling that is foremost in this movie.  We have read his words in Scripture many times.  But this is different.  It's you and Him.  Alone. Together. It seems like his eyes are looking straight into yours. 
 The sadness was for my sins.  The sadness was for the Blessed Mother and what she went through.  We read about the prophetess (I believe Anna?) who said to Mary that her heart would be pierced by a sword.  The lady playing Mary was perfect.  She was with Jesus all the way.  At his trial.  On the Via De La Rosa (spelling) and at the cross.  As a mother, we MIGHT think we can imagine how she felt to see her son being crucified, but there's no way.  All you can do is watch her pain and suffering and not be able to do a thing about it.  All of the characters are huge.  John the beloved was with Mary the entire time. You can feel Peter's pain as he realizes the word's of Jesus come true when he denies him.  Judas's betrayal and his remorse -- you don't hate him, you just feel sorry for him and sad when he realizes what he has done. From Mary to Mary Magdalene, to Pilate, and even the small parts such as Veronica wiping the face of Jesus on his way to the cross was stunning and also Simon of Cyrene helping him with the cross. There was not one line (there are in subtitles) that was not Scripture based.  Everything Jesus said you could go directly to the Bible and find it.  The sequence of his Passion and the crucifixion were as described in the Bible.  Not in any movie I have seen or will ever see in the future so depicted the suffering, humiliation, and love of Jesus for us.  I won't tell you how the movie is set up -- but just know that not the entire movie shows ONLY the passion and crucifixion.  There are flash backs to earlier times in his life.
Now I know why I couldn't have written this last night.  I still feel a little shaky.  As so many people have said, you don't view this movie, you experience it.  The movie embraces you and you keep playing it over and over in your head and you just want to get on your knees in gratitude, sorrow for your sins, and plead to Jesus that those we love who don't know Jesus will come to Him. But most of all, I pray that I MYSELF WILL BECOME A BETTER PERSON.  I truly hope you see this movie.
Also, if you have a chance to see it, there is "The Making of the Passion of the Christ" on PAX channel, #18. I'm sure they will be showing it everynight.  Unless you have pre-bought tickets, they are sold out for the movie for a few days so you will have a chance to get an idea about the movie on PAX.  I encourage you to see it.  It helped prepare me and Doug!
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus forever dwell within your heart.  Love,