I can't remember.  Did I tell this story here before?  Remember when I was
in the hospital back in November with the flue and pneumonia?  Well, they
put a sign up near my bed which said, This patient is visually impaired, or
something like that.  First, you would be amazed the number of health care
people who came in my room and never read the sign.  But here is the funny
part.  A friend of mine by the name of Keith, came up almost every night to
see me.  He builds houses for a living.  Keith is 48 years old and still
things he is a hippie.  He is tall, super skinny, and has long hair.  He
really loves the Lord and is probably the closest Christian brother I have
in the Lord.  We have known each other for about 15 years.  I was his pastor
once, believe it or not, and we argue and debate on many Biblical issues.
We disagree a lot, too, and we have had some knock down drag out debates
over the years.  Keith was a druggy back in the seventies and it is a
miracle he didn't end up in prison.  Many of his friends did and he used to
smuggle drugs to them.  He is skinny because of the speed he used to do.
Anyhow, Keith has a good sense of humor and he absolutely, positively, 100
percent hates anything that sounds politically correct.  So, one night, he
said, do you care if I change your sign with my black marker.  I said, no,
go ahead.  So he wrote.  This patient isn't visually impaired, he is blind
as a bat.  Some of the hospital workers thought it was horribly funny and it
became a conversational piece the rest of the time I was there.  Sometimes
one person would bring a friend to my opened door and I could hear them
whispering and then they would laugh and walk away.  One nurse was
commenting on how funny it was and I said, I hope that doesn't get somebody
in trouble and she said, Naw.  The whole floor is laughing about it.
However, somebody higher up in the ranks didn't like it because someone came
in while I was asleep and changed it back to what it said originally.  I
suppose they thought somebody in the hospital did it and I would sue them
for it or some dumb thing like that.  It was funny, though.
