Hi All,  This is KC8VUN.  Yeah, yeah, wrong phoenetics but I can always remember it better with Very Unpredictable Nut cuz it kind of fits my personality.  Question:  HT was left on or bumped on.  Bateries are deader than dead.  Original charger never did work, but the double A packs always did.  I replaced bateries.  No sound.  I can transmit.  If I hold down this button, I can hear sound.  But I didn't used to have to do that.  What did I do?  What do I do now?  Shirley, I'm not hopeless.  Honest!  I have ADHD.  (Attention Deficit Hand-Held disorder. So the burning question is:  I think this is a Kenwood 22TH or something like that.  Thank you.  Now back to your regularly scheduled QSO. 
April  KC8VUN. 
Loyalty and honesty are assets of the heart.