Hi all-

I've loaded Windows 2000 onto my laptop.

All is fine except the other PC's on my home network cannot access the laptop w/o me having to do the "username/password" thing.

I'd like to set it up so I can freely browse all the network PC's w/o passwords.

The other two are running XP.  I'm on a Belkin 4 port wireless router w/WEP/128bit on.

I think I've allowed everything that should be but must have missed something.  Did the share via C: properties & via "manage" users/groups.  Added all & checked to allow all- still it asks for a password.  Doesn't matter whether I say I am or am not part of a business network.

Could someone here possibly be so kind as to lay it out from the top?  I promise to follow to a "t" & I'll print it this time!

Lynn  ;^)

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