Hi -

The mushy poops may have something to do with lactose intolerance rather than
milk allergy per se.  (Since he went without milk for so long, he may have
simply stopped producing the lactase enzyme.)

However, you also mentioned asthma and EAs (I'm not sure what that stands for,
but it must be something not good, right?).  These symptoms, if they persist,
would lead me to want to maintain a comprehensive food diary for several
weeks (the first week without any of his allergens, including the outgrown
ones) to see if there's a correlation to any of his foods.  And you may wish
to look at other common allergens again, using the food diary as a tool.
(Sorry, I know that restricting his diet is NOT on the top of your wish list.)

My two cents,
--Beth Kevles
  [log in to unmask]
  http://web.mit.edu/kevles/www/nomilk.html -- a page for the milk-allergic
  Disclaimer:  Nothing in this message should be construed as medical
  advice.  Please consult with your own medical practicioner.

NOTE:  No email is read at my MIT address.  Use the AOL one if you would
like me to reply.