Brother Alieu

 I am gald that you share some of our views.

It is not about empathy but our prescribed duty as brothers, husbands,fathers and uncles to protect our sisters,wives,mothers, and nieces from being maltreated by anyone even our selves.

I think edication is the only way to solve this delima we have on our hands  but we can do so by example ie treating our women right in the first place ,and by stoping it if we see it happen even if the culprit is our friend. I do not think financially we can yet due to several complicated legal reasons but shelters can be built to house andeducate them.

I personally think that before any man or woman gets married they should go through a short course training them or teaching them about their right and how not to abuse them just like it is done now with teenagers getting a driving license for the first time.

Thanks brother for the statement below : 

 Just to remind you briefly that our noble prophet (may on him be
peace) lived his first 25 years as a chaste bachelor and the next 25
years in a monogamous marriage with a wife (widowed) 15 years his
seniour. Apart from Aisha (daughter of his closest companion), the
remainder of his marriages were to divorcées or widows. His marriages
are vlearly out of compassion and not of passion

You have summarized what many misunderstand and use to confuse others about Islamic  marriages and our beloved prophet ( pbuh)

Thans and good day


>From: Alieu Jawara <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list              <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Polygammy...
>Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2004 00:40:43 -0700
>May I throw my two cents to this very exiting topic. Some of you say women should start a movement to stop men taking advantage of them. This is a great idea but perhaps men can help even better. Without the involvement of educated and "powerful" men the progress will be quite slow indeed. God knows there are a lot of women suffering in silence. Can't leave x years of marriage because they have nothing to fall back on due to poverty. Who knows maybe this forum can even begin to set up something just for the sake of Allah. Women could be educated publicly and the same time warning men of their actions. Financially we could help by taking their case up to justice.
>One thing I don't agree with the forum with is the issue of prenuptial agreements, to sign that the marriage will forever be monogamous. Someone also said polygamy is synonymous with sexual infidelity (stand corrected incase of any misquotations). First, Islam gives a lot of power to women as the lady that traditionally brings up the future heads of society. She must always be treated kindly and respectfully. The wife batters wont find their actions supported by any parts of the Qur'an or sunnah. However, polygamy is the allowed by the Qur'an, the primary source of muslim belief. Allah's wisdom is much greater than ours and he knows why he made his law to be so. By making it haram (unlawful) onto yourself is taking Allah's merciful law into your own hands. Several of Allah's prophets (who are absolutely perfect creatures) have lived polygamous lives, including the final one Nabiy Mustapha Alaihi salaam. His companions, whom we should take as our role models, also did the same. Just to remind you briefly that our noble prophet (may on him be peace) lived his first 25 years as a chaste bachelor and the next 25 years in a monogamous marriage with a wife (widowed) 15 years his seniour. Apart from Aisha (daughter of his closest companion), the remainder of his marriages were to divorcées or widows. His marriages are vlearly out of compassion and not of passion. There are several reasons (which I wont talk about here) where it might be necessary to marry a second, third or fourth wife). I think it's quite wrong to deny yourself of halaal just because the love at the time of marriage is so high. The love for Allah and his laws should be much greater. Polygamy is definitely not synonymous to sexual infidelity where a husband sneaks out on a family that he should love and care for just to come back with bag of lies! Several verses come to mind but how about this one in conclusion:
>16:116   "And, for what your tongues describe, do not utter the lie, (saying) This is lawful and this is unlawful, in order to forge a lie against Allah; surely those who forge the lie against Allah shall not prosper"
>66:01 "O Prophet! why do you forbid (yourself) that which Allah has made lawful for you; you seek to please your wives; and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful"
>I advise you read the commentary of the above and read up on the sunnah regarding polygamy.
>Alieu Jawara
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