Rumours abound that mad Yahya is contemplating on either going on his
retarded campaign trail again or settling down in Kanilai thus  be send
cold apologies to those poor elders he insulted before. Last year he
skipped the real deal and  was hiding behind rallies and petty talks to
spread APF-PRC's messages.These are the usual gatherings where civil
servants were being crowned fathers of local clubs and communities likewise
youth leaders went on throwing stones at elders.Those very youth leaders
chose district chiefs and then dismissed village heads through clandestine
letters that they despatched directly to mad Yahya's desk.
These very youth leaders are remnants of the former July 22nd movement.The
July 22nd movem
ent has been disbanned in name but is still functional in
deeds.The July 22nd members who were banned are those who have been singled
out as docile and 'unpatriotic' the hard core members who resort to using
whips,lies and thuggery are still within the extended circle of the
Kanilai/state house junglers.Many would say Baba Jobe was behind the july
22nd movement but did Baba Jobe supply them arms and amunitions without mad
Yahya knowing about it? Who is the secretary of state for defence? Who buys
the arms? Who signs and recieves the deliveries? Why has mad Yahya not
handed over that post to Susan Wafa Ogoo or John Bojang? If anyone thought
that Baba was an independent branch now all of us have seen that these
bitter branches were from mad Yahya's acidic trunk.He is the one and only
one in this whole show of a so-called revolution.
Baba the one who was in a mad way spreading sick Yahya's message through
those de
sperate drug and ataya addict, is facing the killing machine's
guillotine?! Mad Yahya is getting more and more confused.He was commanding
an unruly army through a junior officer who knows him so much.His unwise
soul was pannicked because of IMF and world Bank's presence therefore
resorted to trying to forcefully rub off all marks that he left at the
central bank plus other places where money could have been magnetised from
1994 to date.He did not calculate what the world Bank calls political risks.
How about listening to Aristide's latest lesson and learn? No mad Yahya
thinks that he is very strong because he has old grenades and stupid rifles
near his pillow case!
No cosmetic democracy will stand before the forces of modern fighters and
Fighting against a pseudo democrat by all means is a commendable move and
that is what OPTV has started.Mad Yahya will see if these are jokes or not?!

This year
 his inner circle says that mad Yahya is gathering a little bit
confidence to be able to travel to the provinces and lie to the farmers
This crazy head saying that if he did not electriy the Gambia by the end of
1999 let no one vote for him? Where are we now.Media houses are saying NO
WATER NO LIGHT IN BANJUL!!!!!!!!Mad Yahya should not only be voted out he
should be over thrwn forthwith!
He should be over thrown by the voice of the people like Aristide was sent
OPTV has learnt from Haiti's case and our people will be surprised to see
how swift this mad man in warambas will be shackled in big chains and then
his kurus will be left dangling on his neck while his matchet will be use
to shave his head.
These are no wishful thoughts they are real things that are going to happen
with the help of God.
This year mad Yahya is contemplating on decentralising the tour and then
ask commissioners
 to do so on his behalf at district level.Mad Yahya may
also travel to chosen spots in the provinces ie meet local communities at
district levels( villages where chiefs are) and then leave the rest to his
cronies to go and shout.
Mad Yahya will certainly miss Yankuba's mouth if ever he attempts going
As for OPTV we are praying to God he goes and meets the people,he will see
what zipping the vegetaion stands for.
Look at him changing words again.Jawara used to say meet the farmer's
tour.Here we have a shameless character saying meet the people's tour?
This is why OPTV said in one of its texts when we were analysing the so-
called amended constitution that,mad Yahya changes words but he maintains
the same methods.
Tell me the difference here? Mad Yahya stole power and stole ideas from the
old Pa.
How can mad Yahya be good news to us if he repeats what a naive system was
doing for thirty years?

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