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On Mon, 15 Mar 2004 10:00, John Cogburn wrote:

>I haven't gotten the full-text yet, but this article really seems to
>support our view of evolutionary fitness.
>J Appl Physiol 96: 3-10, 2004; 10.1152/japplphysiol.00757.2003
>Eating, exercise, and "thrifty" genotypes: connecting the dots toward an
>evolutionary understanding of modern chronic diseases


Thanks for this advice.

To get an idea of what the article probably includes, have a look at:

This reports on Chakravarthy's 2002 article "Waging War on Physical
Inactivity: Using Modern Molecular Ammunition Against an Ancient Enemy,"
in the Journal of Applied Physiology

The web report begins: "The results of the most extensive research
investigation into the relationship between chronic health conditions and
physical inactivity have been released by a team of "obesity sleuths."
They conclude that today's skyrocketing levels of chronic diseases are due
to the collision between the body's total gene complement of a set of
chromosomes -- programmed 10,000 years ago to anticipate physical
exertion, and the inactivity endemic to 21st century sedentary societies.
Nutritional "thrifty genes" may further exacerbate the deterioration of
the human body, which takes the form of common, chronic disorders, once
thought to be rare...."

Chakravarthy also wrote (with Frank Booth, lead author in the 2002
paper, "Exercise - Hot Topics" in 2003.  See:

The page begins: "This exciting and timely volume presents the principles
for the primary prevention of chronic conditions by exercise. It discusses
the health consequences of inactivity, the biologic basis for the benefits
of physical activity, and presents strategies for combating the sedentary-
living epidemic. Packed with figures, graphs, and tables for easy access.

Presents guidelines for exercise and tips on counseling patients and
encouraging them to undertake exercise programs
"Key Points" sections focus on the most important aspects of exercise
"Pros" and "cons" feature delineates new and controversial issues
An introductory section on "What's Hot" focuses on the cutting-edge

I: Defining the Problem
1. From Hunting and Gathering to 7-11s and TV
2. Definitions
3. Genetic Considerations
4. Physical Activity Deficiency
5. Children's Health Endangered

II: The Means to Action
6. Health Benefits of Physical Activity
7. Caloric Balance and Expenditure
8. Physical Activity Prescription
9. Counseling Patients About Undertaking Physical Activity
10. Weight Loss Counseling
11. Promotion of Routine Daily Physical Activity

III: Biological Basis For Chronic Diseases Caused By Physical Inactivity
12. Health Consequences of Physical Inactivity
13. Cardiovascular Diseases
14. Metabolic Diseases
15. Cancer
16. Ageing
17. Bed Rest/Spinal Cord Injury
18. Pulmonary Diseases
19. Inflammation/Immune Dysfunction
20. Neurological Disorders
21. Musculoskeletal Disorders
22. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
23. Women's Health
24. Regulation of the Human Genome Through Physical Activity
25. Inactivity: A Fat Chance of Being Healthy


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