I just want to let everybody know I just had the most unusual experience.
Gretchen's diversion officer called for the director of the program phone
number.  Philip had me get on the phone because I have all of the numbers.
First, I began the conversation stating that I was sorry to hear about her
Dad (as my son-in-law had told me that her Dad had passed away).  She
visited with me for quite a while about that.  Then she began asking me all
kinds of questions about the program Gretchen is in.  She asked me many
questions.  I told her what I thought - that it was an excellent program and
about the most successful I had found.  Then she said "Well, I hope this
works and she stays there."  That would really indicate to me that it
doesn't sound like they will have her come before the diversionary people at
all Wednesday.  At least if they do, it definitely sounds like they will let
her stay there.  A complete miracle of the Lord.
