On Fri, 20 Feb 2004 16:11:42 -0500, Wade Reeser <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>>I have no affiliation with Rob Fagin, but his book is very good at
>explaining his
>approach to dieting.

I agree that Faigin's Natural Hormone Enhancement is an interesting read.
One thing I noticed in it that was a bit unique is that he claims that
starches work better than simple sugars for the carb-up phase.  This is
confusing to me because I thought that all carbs whether simple ie fruit or
complex ie yams, brown rice,etc all turn to glucose in the body.  If in
fact starches are superior for the carb-ups, then how is this compatible
with pale since there arguably are very little in the way of concentrated
paleo starches.  I know yams have been mentioned as paleo compliant but are
these jumbo, sweet tasting tubors really similar to the tubors paleos
ate??  They are just so sweet that I find it difficult to believe.
Thoughts?  Also, Wade, have you found fat loss success with NHE?  I tried
it a few years back and found the water retention following the carb-ups
really uncomfortable plus the carb-ups seemed to kick-start more carbo

I notice that the Atkins Center website has some info on the lowering of
thyroid hormones during low carb dieting.  The Eades (authors of Protein
Power books) state in their first book that they sometimes give patients
supplemental thyroid during the weight loss phase of their diet.  I'm
grappling with how can a diet that supposedly the best way to eat for fat
loss cause lowered thyroid function?