
According to this theory, does it make any difference when, relative to your
workout, that you consume that one big protein-rich meal?  Right before, right
after? Four hours after?


> This is, incidentally, the concept behind Ori Hofmekler's "warrior
> diet" which encourages overeating once a day and undereating (nearly
> nothing) the rest of the day.  The purpose of the one big protein-rich
> meal is to cause an insulin surge, since insulin is an anabolic hormone,
> and to use that to push amino acids into the cells that need them.
> During that time, muscle is being built.  The rest of the time, the body
> switches into catabolic mode, to liberate fat from fat cells for energy,
> and to release stored glycogen.  Working out increases the demand for
> the amino acids, and thus increases protein uptake.  Thus, on this sort
> of plan, the metabolism is anabolic for 4 hours out of 24, and catabolic
> for the other 20.
> Todd Moody
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