> >>I'm sending you my response to your question privately because it's kind
> >>lost in the shuffle at the paleo site.
> >
> >I got it both on the list and privately -- did it maybe post later than
> >you hit 'send'?
>This is a very weird post - something I would expect from someone who
>received a computer for Christmas - not from someone who has posted on
>the Internet for years.

Ken, you may not have meant it, but your "expectations" comment strikes me
as more than a just a little condescending.

>There are no attributions to these statements at all, in other words,
>nothing about who said them, when, where, what, why, etc.

Well, I got Adrienne Smith's message both privately and on the list twice.
So that to which I'm responding shouldn't strike a list member as an
earth-shattering mystery.

>You use ">".   Are you a replying to a previous post?

No, I just made the whole thing up.  Not.  You didn't just get YOUR computer
for Christmas, did you?

>If so, where is the "Re:" and/or "Was (..." in the Subject line?

The thread to which Adrienne responded was "Re: What does it take to loose
weight: was Re: sweet potatoes."  Since Adrienne's message addressed
something very specific, I thought it might be better to respond to her post
by way of a new thread name given both the topic and the already-long title.
  But apparently that's a cardinal sin.

Dori Zook,
Denver, CO

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