I have no doubt in mind that you are committed to the APRC government
which is of course healthy and democratic. What is frustrating for me and
perhaps a lot more other people is that; how do you justify a government
that went on a killing spree against inocent school boys? How do you call
that democracy? Should not your president and his party consider that a
crime that can never be forgiven. I have a problem with any government
that subscribed to the killing of inocent people they promise to protect
and yet still supported by lunatics like you and FJC. If I were you, I
would rather hide my head and stay mute rather than rearing your ugly
heads and trying in vain to justify the wrongs committed by the
government on the whole population. I most misunderstand gambians and
Gambian doctrine and for that matter am suggesting to you that, when it
comes to the killing of Gambian children for exercising their democratic
values guranteed by the constiytution of the country, Jammeh and his
criminals like you and FJC have blood on your hands. The reasons are all
clear, if you support a murderer while on the lose, you must be logically
considered a murderer and a mad man. It is heart breaking seeing Gambians
like you shouting and singing words of praise to a mad man who is hungry
for both money and blood. Is it really worth it, killing to stay in power?
Infact Iam wondering what kind of a mouth you have since you claimed to
be democratic and yet support the dictatorial crimes of the mad man you
call the president.
-----Original Message-----
From: Seedou lamin Bajinka <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2004 03:11:37 EST

> I thought this forum is really established to foster mutual
> understanding
> among folks and also to debate one another's opinions.But i found that
> it is the
> opposite.It looks to me like this forum is all about ANTI YAHYA JAMMEH
> and
> APRC.For example if my  brother MINTEH comes up with anything,it is
> only one or
> two people in the whole forum who going to challenge him and rest of
> the people
> will go ahead with his story.It is very sad that  people who talk about
> DEMOCRACY in this forum mostly are the very people who will jump on you
> if you try
> to challenge MINTEH  or anything against PRES JAMMEH.So folks can
> anyone tell
> is
> ALWAYS wrong???
> be
> chaallenge???Well if that is the case,the dream of this FORUM WILL
> be realised.
> Democracy is a doctrine which some people used to legalise their
> selfish
> actions and cause trouble.Democracy can never be used by anybody to
> just gain your
> personal interest or because you hate someone in power,so you wanted
> to hide
> behind the umbralla to insight people to voilence.No country or state
> on
> earth will ever tolerate any individual or group of individuals to use
> democracy
> to cause trouble and blame it on the GOVERNMENT. Even here in the USA
> is limited and cannot be abuse like some of the folks wanted it to be
> in
> GAMBIA.It is impossible to be preaching democracy when you yourself
> cannot be
> democratic in your actions and deeds just like my brother MINTEH.
> Brother MINTEH where were you  when your BOSS CHONGAN led the COMMANDO
> OF THE THEN GENDERMERIE to attack the innocent people of BRIKAMA???
> The people of BRIKAMA just went out to show their disgust against the
> OF WATER in  their distict,and this was a peaceful demonstation but how
> many
> people were beating,wounded and arrested???People were arrested and
> detained
> for days if not weeks without being charge,some of the people didn't
> even take
> part in the demonstration.People were chased all the way inside the
> LIBRARY beating physically and drag to the waiting police or TSG TRUCKS
> and
> taken to the e station.So come on MINTEH and FOLKS,was that a good
> democracy????Brother let us not be bias in our judgment to maintain
> PEACE and ORDER.If we
> want truth to prevail in gambia,we need to play the card both ways not
> only ANTI
> NOTE FOR MBARROW,i just want to let you know that i am not receiving a
> dime
> from PRES JAMMEH,may be you receiving some money from anti jammeh
> people
>               GOOD DAY TO ALL
>                    SLB
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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