With all due respect i dont think the language you using here is appropriate
for this bantaba.
So many people have been attacked here and they defend their case without
insulting anybody.
You yourself have attacked Badou Jobe and even accused him of murdering Pap
Touray (RIP).
Here on this forum we criticise people and we should also be in the position
to handle criticism maturely.

No hard feelings


>From: Oko Drammeh <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Cultural Agenda/ Oko hits back
>Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2004 16:39:08 +0100
>---------------------- Information from the mail header
>Sender:       The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
>               <[log in to unmask]>
>Poster:       Oko Drammeh <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject:      Re: Cultural Agenda/ Oko hits back
>Badou Jobe,
>Are you on drugs / or what ?
>Is this your old mad Medusa Dutch- wife writing again.?
>You just came back from the Gambia were Oussou "Senor "Njie had
>bastardised well and hard you for selling the Viva Super Eagles album.
>Giving only D8000 dalasis($200 dollars) to the family of Pap Touray and
>wanted to give similar to Ousu Njie and he rejected it and told you that
>he could buy you if you were a commodity. You are looking for attention.
>You lost it. I will look for you and I will asttack you in the streets.
>Unfortunately the site is under construction and you can't view it now.
>But soon .
>So the Gambia-list isThe Beas pancha? Jabou Joh take cover. This is a
>personal.attack. You sound cool but do not to echo Badou Jobe.what you
>do not know ?
>This is not how to support your blood brother of Half-die ( the
>biological family should give way to the ideological family). If you
>want Badou Jobe to use you to lead the attack on me for him. BE MY GUEST
>for life.
>This is where I have to be judged? Judgement day !!! To burn in the list
>Hell. Fuck you.
>I have been honoured many times for years all over the world for doing
>what I always do for my people way before this Pressident.
>So what are you trying to say with these pictures. They are great for
>anyone to see that is why I published them on the internet. Infact this
>is old news for my site. How come you do not have a site. You are too
>poor and grey to start one. You don't want to invest in anything.
>!!!Poor Fool..
>I was in the Gambia invited by the SOS Schoo.. My brother Ousainou
>Drammeh is the principle. He asked me for assistance and I supplied them
>with a group. Each year I will choose a NEW school from Holland to visit
>The Gambia and in the future Gambian schools kids can visit Holland for
>an educational exchange programme. This is not limited to any school or
>group. So if a school or a preson is not right ,you will be fired. I
>want to help develope the facilities of the schools in the Gambia in the
>field of sports and music.
>We did some performances for the school of the blind school and the
>school of the deaf. We performed for Kanifing school, Gunjur school,
>Crab Island school, . These kids were well received in the Gambian
>school system. They gave books, pens and alot of monet to the schools
>for taking the gate fee while we performed for free. This was on TV
>everyday. The Gambia kids liked and the dutch kids liked it. So I had
>the opportunity to joined these student's together in the school parade
>(as I did with the South African refuges years ago with Ifangbondi in
>the time of Jawar) and the kids loved it. What is the problem here. .
>I will take Miriam Makeba ( former wife of Kwame Toure/Stokely
>Carmicheal) to any city or state if that is right. She is a business
>woman and if any body pays her well she will be delighted to perform.
>What has Miriam Makeba has to do with this?
>Didn't you ever see heads of states with honoured Artists ? Don't you
>remember that Presidents come and go and Artists stay for a lifetime?
>Why do I have to do what the opposition want or what the government
>wants ? What ever I do is my human right and my political conscience,
>but whatever I do for Gambia ,who the President is at the time, I will
>do it for the people as I always do. when it is time for election I will
>vote for whoever I support. Why all this ?
>Don't go fighting me for my good efforts otherwise I will declare WAR on
>you and your family.
>You talked about phonography of a man whom I do not know untill way
>after the trip to the Gambia. Do you think that I will know of a
>criminal and hide it.?F...Y...
>This is a dutch problem. I will only bring good things to Africa. This
>is what I have been known for.,for years but how about you and Aids. You
>have been married to an aids victim who died of the desease , did you
>check your self. or do you go around spreading it.
>It's War and it's on.
>Oko Drammeh
>P/S. I will remind the list on your drug addiction years with the roller
>tablets I used to supply you., sucker.
> >The many ardent admirers and fans of The Gambia's newly appointed
> >Ambassador will be thrilled to see the content of the following link:
> >
> >www.africanmusicfestival.com/okodrammeh/custom%20images/gambia/gambia.htm.
> >
> >The featured pictures provide a true and rare document of the new
> >ambassador's contribution to Gambian culture, in the same time offering a
> >sneak preview of his agenda how to boost Cultural tourism in the country,
> >promised in his postings to the Gambia-Post/Gambia-L.
> >
> >"De Buddy's" are a Dutch boys choir who - through mr. Oko Drammeh's
> >excellent connections and good offices - got invited to highlight the
> >of July celebrations last year.
> >
> >De Buddy's are led by mr. Drammeh’s associate Ton Buitinga, a hard-core
> >child pornographer who got arrested after the Gambian tour, but should be
> >back on the job before the summer, as the boys crew are scheduled to
> >The Gambia again.
> >
> >Noteworthy are the pics featuring:
> >[PICTURE] The president of Gambia, Yahya Jammeh, meets son of Oko, Matarr
> >[PICTURE] Oko drammeh addresses the presidential celebrations, on july
>22nd 2003
> >[PICTURE] The national assembly leader Hon. Baba Jobe with Oko and the
> >[PICTURE] The national assembly leader Hon. Baba Jobe with Oko and the
> >[PICTURE] Ton buitinga, musical conductor of the buddy's, and Oko
> >[PICTURE] The president of the Gambia welcomes Oko
> >[PICTURE] The president of the Gambia honours Oko in Banjul
> >[PICTURE] De Buddy's with the president of the Gambia and his wife, Mr.
> >Mrs. Yahya Jammeh
> >[PICTURE] De Buddy's with the president of the Gambia and his wife, Mr.
> >Mrs. Yahya Jammeh
> >[PICTURE] De Buddy's and the NAPSA students of the Gambia (the national
> >patriotic students' association - formed 10 august 2001)
> >
> >Meanwhile the world is awaiting mr. Drammeh’s next extravaganza: Stokeley
> >Carmichael’s widow  performing in Kanilai, the bespoke venue for the IRF.
> >
> >Badou Jobe
> >
> >-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >[e-mail  posted to Gambia|Post e-Gathering]
> >
> >    * Subject: Re: [>-<] FWD: Oko Drammeh is IRF New Cultural Ambassador
> >    * From: Oko Drammeh <okob@xxxx
> >    * Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2004 16:17:59 +0100
> >
> > (...)
> >Â Thank you for your word up!. I want to bring festivals and music
> >executives to the Gambia and to make the world to visits the Gambia
> >for extravaganga and cultural Events.
> >I want to change some of the filty habits of tourism.
> >
> >I want to share my skills to the Gambian youths and talents. I want to
> >back live music and festivals in the Gambia and to controll the flow of
> >cultural domination by anyone. I will have regular Seneambian shows in
> >in the stadiums and at Sorano and in Banjul.
> >
> >I have an agenda and friends in the business and a team.
> >(...)
> >I am introducing Cultural tourism  I am doing this because Gambia can't
> >find her way in the music and art world and each year it is getting
> >So I decided to go and live in the Gambia for few years to get my hand on
> >tthe nitty gritty.
> >
> >I will not be involvrd in politics, I know poly tricks, I am only doing a
> >job for the people. Politicians come and go but The atrists is eternal so
> >know .
> >Thank you, I will give support to our youth and they all make money and
> >improve their art and their lives.
> >
> >your brother
> >Oko Drammeh
> >
> >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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>Web interface
> >at: http://maelstrom.stjohns.edu/archives/gambia-l.html
> >
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> >
> >
> >
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