Oko, like I said before, this is not personal and it has all to do with the
Gambian condition, thus this exchange.  When I chronicled your activities on
the list after your Gambia visit and noted that you eulogized Ngagga,
reflected on Afdie, and the infamous unveiling of the mass grave facade by
Baala J, it was to highlight your deliberate attempt to not tell us anything
about the suffering of the people.  I made that observation because it is
not in line with your proactive voice.  I can understand and I expected you
to eulogize Ngagga and that is not why I mentioned it and you know that.
The Afdie bit, it is within your right to dwell on and others were
interested in it.  The mass grave bit was a pitch for Baala and the APRC.
However, nothing was said about the Gambian condition.  Sidi had to also
tell us about your promotion.  And so, it was obvious that you never cared
to discuss anything that would contradict the Jammeh facade.

I think you are mistaken to say that I complemented you on your appointment
and you can check the archives.  As a brother I wanted to, but like all that
associated with Jammeh in the hope of working for the country, from Che
Yassin (opportunist), Sidat, et al, to my good friend TJ (opportunist), you
have to play the music according to Yaya.  Thus, I wished that you were not
involved with a tainted material like Yaya, but you have a right to free
association, even with a murderer.

As to the site that Badou referenced, I had said that I was unable to access
the site but if Badou's assertions are represented by those pictures, then
Gambians deserved every bit they got from you.  Yes, I concur with you that
in a group, you may not know what each is made of and I hope you make it a
priority that such characters stay out of our country and that child
molester and other criminals will not return with that group.  Regarding
prostitution and the image our country has in the eyes of outsiders, I think
you are grossly underestimating the image we project outside, in dope
dealing and prostitution.  I know it is not good form to discuss these
topics in our society, for many a families depend on these gains, but we
have to discuss them as a nation.  We cannot continue to blame foreigners
for our sisters and brothers are deeply involved.  Same with pedophilia.

As to your political stance, I do not doubt that you are progressive, in my
opinion.  Having said that, I am finding it hard to reconcile your new
partnership with Yaya with your proactive voice.  Dictators from Amin to
Sadam to Yaya have one main thing in common - they use anyone that stands
next to them, even their own blood.  Oko, the only way you can exist in the
Jammeh circle is to do like all else around him do on a daily basis - debase
yourself and submit your dignity.  You can say that is my opinion, however,
there is evidence to support my assertions.  Look no further than Joe Joof
and the crooks in Yanks et all in a long company of the disgraced.  Yaya is
a murderer, liar, and a thief and anyone close to him is game.  Given our
condition as a nation, we cannot afford not to be straight with each other.
All in the pursuit of a better Gambia.

Chi Jaama

Joe Sambou

>From: Oko Drammeh <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Cultural Agenda/Joe
>Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2004 00:41:11 +0100
>Joe, An answere to your mail :
>I really do not want to make personal answeres on important issues,
>especially to reply tens of mails. . But you personified me to a degree
>based on your judgement and I am forced to answere you personally.
>I was thrilled to see the stories that came out of the Story of Half-die
>Eventhough it was not a complete and accurate one it was not worthless.
>I wrote a series of stories that I compiled for remembering my youth
>"Ndongo life" and it spreaded to some of these memories. I was
>contributing something different and there were responses.They were
>educational as I read some of the postings from other contributors. You
>also complimented me on the appointment. I will do good with it when it
>last.Trust me.
>I see also your take on Ndagga . It is hard to have a go no this on one
>and one with you.We come from different angles. You as a consumer and a
>record buyer and me as a non-buyer and an inhouse planner ,we have a
>different opion. We see things differently on a respectable professional
>Lastly, I want you to check my political background and my role as a
>youth leader in banjul. I have been a contributing member of every
>progressive political organisation in The Gambia in my time, upfront and
>consciously out spoken, Your remarks are totally out of character .
>Oko Drammeh
>Joe Sambou wrote:
>>Badou, thanks for this info. I am not able to access the site you
>>referenced from work but relying on your assertions, I say we deserve
>>bit of what we got from Oko, if those pictures support your assertions.
>>Unless we stop dealing with fluff, or buddying up, or cuddling the
>>because one is a friend, relative, or roaming buddy, we shall forever be
>>vulnerable to snake oil salespersons. When Oko came from Gambia, he said
>>zilch about the suffering of our people but started by eulogizing Ngagga,
>>which is fine and normal. Then he proceeded to distract us with the Afdie
>>bit, not telling us that he was appointed the "Cultural Ambassador" of
>>Gambia. He crowned his act by telling us about the "Mass Grave Monument"
>>that Baala J (another snake oil salesman) was unveiling. It was Sidi
>>who broke the news to us that Oko was appointed the "Cultural
>>Unless one is in denial, it was evident that Oko was a mouth piece for
>>but he had his backers amongst us. He had been distracting us about the
>>First Republic for the longest and saying zilch about the countless
>>and thuggry of the APRC. Anytime someone said something about the April
>>Massacre, he flew from no where to remind us about the 1981 lawlessness.
>>Folks, we need to tell each other the truth.
>>When the news broke about prostitution and Gambia being the sex haven for
>>tourists/pedophiles, he came swinging and drowning out anyone that was
>>willing to explore the validity of those assertions. Yet, he told us
>>he was
>>not involved in politics. Who was he kidding? Who among the likes of OKo
>>that cuddle up with Yaya that Yaya has not used, from Che Yassin Secka to
>>Tijan Ceesay? None. Folks, we scream about Yaya surrounding himself with
>>Jolas, however, a closer look reveals that there is also a very very
>>layer of Banjulians around him and we can do the math for the willing. We
>>have taken greed to new heights. Going back to his "Mad Dog" reference of
>>malcolm X, may be this will give him an opportunity to kill both the
>>Mad Dog
>>and its owner. Just pathetic.
>>Chi Jaama
>>Joe Sambou
>>Chi Jaama
>>Joe Sambou
>>>From: Badou Jobe <[log in to unmask]>
>>>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
>>><[log in to unmask]>
>>>To: [log in to unmask]
>>>Subject: Cultural Agenda
>>>Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2004 06:54:47 -0500
>>>The many ardent admirers and fans of The Gambia's newly appointed
>>>Ambassador will be thrilled to see the content of the following link:
>>>The featured pictures provide a true and rare document of the new
>>>ambassador's contribution to Gambian culture, in the same time
>>>offering a
>>>sneak preview of his agenda how to boost Cultural tourism in the
>>>promised in his postings to the Gambia-Post/Gambia-L.
>>>"De Buddy's" are a Dutch boys choir who - through mr. Oko Drammeh's
>>>excellent connections and good offices - got invited to highlight the
>>>of July celebrations last year.
>>>De Buddy's are led by mr. Drammeh’s associate Ton Buitinga, a hard-core
>>>child pornographer who got arrested after the Gambian tour, but
>>>should be
>>>back on the job before the summer, as the boys crew are scheduled to
>>>The Gambia again.
>>>Noteworthy are the pics featuring:
>>>[PICTURE] The president of Gambia, Yahya Jammeh, meets son of Oko,
>>>[PICTURE] Oko drammeh addresses the presidential celebrations, on
>>>july 22nd
>>>[PICTURE] The national assembly leader Hon. Baba Jobe with Oko and the
>>>[PICTURE] The national assembly leader Hon. Baba Jobe with Oko and the
>>>[PICTURE] Ton buitinga, musical conductor of the buddy's, and Oko
>>>[PICTURE] The president of the Gambia welcomes Oko
>>>[PICTURE] The president of the Gambia honours Oko in Banjul
>>>[PICTURE] De Buddy's with the president of the Gambia and his wife,
>>>Mr. and
>>>Mrs. Yahya Jammeh
>>>[PICTURE] De Buddy's with the president of the Gambia and his wife,
>>>Mr. and
>>>Mrs. Yahya Jammeh
>>>[PICTURE] De Buddy's and the NAPSA students of the Gambia (the national
>>>patriotic students' association - formed 10 august 2001)
>>>Meanwhile the world is awaiting mr. Drammeh’s next extravaganza:
>>>Carmichael’s widow performing in Kanilai, the bespoke venue for the IRF.
>>>Badou Jobe
>>>[e-mail posted to Gambia|Post e-Gathering]
>>>* Subject: Re: [>-<] FWD: Oko Drammeh is IRF New Cultural Ambassador
>>>* From: Oko Drammeh <okob@xxxx
>>>* Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2004 16:17:59 +0100
>>>Â Thank you for your word up!. I want to bring festivals and music
>>>executives to the Gambia and to make the world to visits the Gambia
>>>for extravaganga and cultural Events.
>>>I want to change some of the filty habits of tourism.
>>>I want to share my skills to the Gambian youths and talents. I want to
>>>back live music and festivals in the Gambia and to controll the flow of
>>>cultural domination by anyone. I will have regular Seneambian shows in
>>>in the stadiums and at Sorano and in Banjul.
>>>I have an agenda and friends in the business and a team.
>>>I am introducing Cultural tourism I am doing this because Gambia can't
>>>find her way in the music and art world and each year it is getting
>>>So I decided to go and live in the Gambia for few years to get my
>>>hand on
>>>tthe nitty gritty.
>>>I will not be involvrd in politics, I know poly tricks, I am only
>>>doing a
>>>job for the people. Politicians come and go but The atrists is
>>>eternal so I
>>>know .
>>>Thank you, I will give support to our youth and they all make money and
>>>improve their art and their lives.
>>>your brother
>>>Oko Drammeh
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