>I'm curious as to why legumes are not permitted on the paleo diet. Wouldn't
>the hunter gatherers have eaten these?

Legumes, by and large, must be soaked and then cooked before eating.  I
can't think of an exception off the top of my head.  An easy rule -- if it
can't be eaten raw, don't eat it.

They're also chock full of anti-nutrients, or "ingredients" that are bad for
you.  For example, most grains and all legumes contain a phyto-protein
(protein found in plants) called lectin.  I'm at the officer or I'd send you
a study I have on lectins and their role in rheumatoid arthritis.  In short,
they cause it.  That and the more you eat, the more you fart. :>P

>And aren't beans healthy to eat and low carb/low glycemic index?

I eat a bite or two of refried beans when I order fajitas (no wraps, of
course) but stop at that.  Don't wanna risk the side effects I suffer from
carbs, period, no matter what the source.

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

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