Todd Moody <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>When you eat lots of carbs, your glycogen reserves are
>almost always full, so incoming carbohydrate can't be deposited in
>them.  Therefore a great deal of it must be converted to fat, and the
>fat into which it is converted is almost all saturated. 98% palmitic
>acid, in fact.

It would be interesting to know how much palmitic acid is produced from say
100 g of carbohydrate. Any idea?

>My conjecture is this:  mammalian metabolisms are able to handle a
>liberal but not unlimited quantity of SFA with no problem.  You can get
>this SFA by eating lots of carbs and little fat, and converting the
>carbs to SFA. Or you can get it by eating lots of fa
t and little carb.

Excuse my ignorance. Can body store dietary saturated fatty acids, or are
they just floating around in the blood stream?
