80% reduction in astrocytoma,a common brain tumor.
To be published in British Journal of Cancer
Thomas Seyfried
"glucose enters the cell it gets broken down through
a primitive process glycolysis,releases a tiny amount
of energy.Byproducts of glycolysis go through mitochondia.
That where the big energy comes from.
Brain tumors mitochondia don,t work.
Cancer cells generate all energy from glycolysis(glucose hogs)
Ketones bypass glycolysis go directly to mitochondia.
Processed into huge amount of energy(more than glucose).
Ketones make normal cells get superhealthy.
Tumor cells die by millions"
Other work involing dietary resriction,ketogenic diets
is targeting alzeimer,s,parkinson,s,and dementia.
On the premise that their glucose impairment(insulin resistance)
at the cell
ular level.
More nails for the anti-fat coffin.