Any of you paleos out there notice any difference in eye bags and/or eye
circles since eating paleo?

I have a female friend (45) with these issues who is almost paleo
(following this for the past 7 months) -- she cut out all grains and sugar
but still eats fairly large amounts of dairy in the form of hard cheese,
butter & cream.  She is healthy (no thyroid issues or obvious allergies
etc), not overweight(lost 7 pounds after cutting out sugar and grains and
definitely doesn't need to lose any more weight) and claims that the dairy
doesn't give her digestive or sinus problems so she sees no need to give it
up.  Any thoughts on whether the eye-bag/circles are hereditary or whether
dairy could be the culprit? I know that my body in general seems
less "puffy" when I omit dairy (could simply be because cutting dairy
reduces calories) -- but I don't have the eye-bag or dark circle issues.