>The male, in his late fifties/early sixties, is delighted with his results:
>a loss of 24 pounds, but get this - triglycerides down from 650 to 165, and
>total cholesterol down from 299 to 237. Great publicity for low carb at

IloveitIloveitIloveit!  Eat that, traditional "nutrition" supporters.

Which brings me to two stories I've seen here in Denver, both today.  The
first was on a new store, Viva Low Carb (if memory serves) that sells only
low-carb products.  Nice, but all they showed in the live shot were
Frankenfoods, i.e. one-carb-gram taco shells.  Made of what, I'm not sure
even WANT to know.  Although I did like the thought of a lower carb
spaghetti sauce.  That and I wonder if they sell a kiwi extract sweetener I
can no longer find on the shelf.  Ironicially, when asked where her shop
was, the woman said, "At Pierce and Bowles, next to the Quizno's." If you
don't have a Quizno's, they make subs.

Ennhoo, I later saw an in-studio live shot with someone who rubbed me the
wrong way before she even opened her pie hole.  She was a registered
dietitian so I knew what was coming.  The topic was popular foods in the new
year.  She said people are more interested in less "fake food" i.e. trans
fats, etc.  Okay, fine.  But one of the products she had?  A carb-loaded
breakfast cereal that contained (bleah) soy.  The promo mentioned EVERY diet
trend but low-carb, something else I noticed.  Every other frickin' food
story I've seen lately has been on low-carb diets, including a segment on
the CBS Evening News this week that said bread sales have gone down 13%
thanks to low-carb diets.  Thirteen percent!  I've heard about low bread
sales several times lately.  The media's all over it like butter on a bagel.

Well, guess what Bambi Sold-Out RD said when asked by the anchor about
low-carb foods.  She smiled but you could tell was on the verge of rolling
her eyes and said (get this!) that interest in low carb foods is high now,
but the trend will slow down because, "people will realize that they BEED
carbs for their brains."

This message is already too long, but (insert swear words here), when will
these morons wrapped in idiots learn that we (low-carb or Paleo dieters) ARE
eating carbs?!  They seem to think the only carbs out there are grains.  How
they classify healthy vegetables, I have no idea.  But they seem to think
they don't have any carbs at all and, thus, we're carb-free.  Well, bite my
veggie-snarfing ass!  We all eat FAR more leafy-greens than Joe Average.
Thus, we're getting carbs, just less than stupid dietitians think we should
and none of the bad ones.  Duh!

Oh.  The products she touted were both (and she bragged about it)
recommended by the American Heart Association.  Don't even get me started on

Okay, I'm done now.  BTW, I know we have at least one dietitian on this
list, but she's seen the light.  Sorry, but I went to a national dietitian
conference a few years back, and the whole affair left my SKIN crawling.

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

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