>From: "malik kah" <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: [log in to unmask]
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: RE: [>-<] CORRUPTION is the Problem
>Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 13:22:39 +0000
>[ This e-mail is posted to Gambia|Post e-Gathering by "malik kah"
><[log in to unmask]> ]
>KB, you have deciphered and exposed the hypocrisy of Tombong, his pretence
>that he is consistent challenges our intelligence, than god there are sober
>people like you who can see through his charlatance to expose him for what
>he is. Consistence is a question of principle if Tombong was principled he
>would have challenged the inherent anomalies that are blatantly before our
>eyes. For instabce if he is as principled or as consistent as he purported
>to be why on earth did he continue to support a regime that have thwarted
>the aspirations of the people. It could be recalled that during the
>consultation exercise to forge a new constitution everyone had assumed that
>a term limit would be incorporated, even J ammeh himself alluded to this,
>but when the final draqft was submitted to the utter disgust and
>dissapointment of all the whole document was doctored, this clearly should
>have warned any genuine person that these people were KAKATARRS and being
>an anti KAKATARR advocate Tombong should have at this point withdrawn his
>unconditional support, but to continue to pretend consistency when the
>peolple you are supporting are the most inconsistence is an irony in itself
>and I hope he will see this truism.
>>From: "Dampha Kebba" <[log in to unmask]>
>>Reply-To: [log in to unmask]
>>To: [log in to unmask]
>>Subject: [>-<] CORRUPTION is the Problem
>>Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 09:56:31 -0500
>>[ This e-mail is posted to Gambia|Post e-Gathering by "Dampha Kebba"
>><[log in to unmask]> ]
>>It does NOT take a genius and a clairvoyant to predict that CORRUPTION is
>>what is going to bring Yaya and his cronies down. As I kept saying,
>>CORRUPTION is the most serious problem we face in the country. Right next
>>to it is ineptitude and sycophancy. This regime was founded on greed and
>>CORRUPTION and that is what is going to bring it down. What we had in 1994
>>was a bunch of under-achievers that set their eyes on leading the
>>‘flamboyant lifestyles’ they saw in Jawara and his cronies. How best could
>>they get that lifestyle without struggling to work hard for a living?
>>Overthrow a government and then use brute force, lies (sycophancy) and all
>>the vices in the book in order to maintain a ‘flamboyant lifestyle’.
>>I can categorically say that NOT one AFPRC/APRC member/supporter that came
>>on the ‘gravy-train’ after 1994 can point to legitimate means that earned
>>them the ‘lifestyles’ they are living today. Not one, starting from Yaya.
>>I saw mental midgets like Tombong trying to disassociate themselves from
>>this CORRUPTION/ACCOUNTABILITY business by trying to ‘out-sycophant’ their
>>other colleagues. That would NOT fly. Whether Yaya has the interest of the
>>nation at heart is NOT the point here. Clearly the criminal does NOT have
>>the interest of the nation at heart. Otherwise, he would NOT oversee the
>>MASSACRE of children as young as three; oversee the looting of our coffers
>>to the extent that our nation is now bankrupt; steal millions of dollars
>>from national coffers to buy a PRIVATE yet and send his wife on spending
>>sprees to America and Europe while our farmers are struggling to put two
>>square meals on the table.
>>It is sickening to see the hypocrisy of mental midgets like Tombong. Here
>>we have this man staring right before his eyes at this BLATANT CORRUPTION.
>>Not just that, he partook in this BLATANT CORRUPTION and the many crimes
>>of the AFPRC/APRC regime, including trying to ‘spin’ the MASSACRE of our
>>children. And now, the mental midget wants to take the high-road on some
>>of his fellow sycophants? This is truly amazing. Tombong is better than
>>Phoday Lang Sarr because the latter ‘disowned’ a criminal like Baabaa
>>(Blood Diamond Dealer) Jobe? Give us a break. Tombong, if you do NOT have
>>the guts to ‘call’ the RAMPANT CORRUPTION in the country like you ‘called’
>>Jawara’s, you have NO moral high-ground over vermin like Phoday Lang Sarr.
>>You are all sycophants of the worse order; cowards and hypocrites.
>>You knew all along that Baabaa (Blood Diamond Dealer) Jobe is CORRUPT. Why
>>did you NOT open your big mouth and talk about that? Apart from Baabaa
>>(Blood Diamond Dealer) Jobe, let us take Lang Conteh. Since you are more
>>‘loyal’ than sycophants like Phoday Lang Sarr, why don’t we hear you
>>‘defend’ Lang Conteh? Is he CORRUPT? Should he be jailed? If not, why
>>don’t you tell Yaya that it is wrong to jail Lang Conteh? You think it is
>>amazing that sycophants like Phoday Lang Sarr would do some of the things
>>they do and then act as if nothing happened? What is more bizarre is
>>people like you that KNOW CORRUPTION, KNOW the participants, then come out
>>to ‘spin’ and pretend that nothing happened. Let me tell you that you are
>>NOT fooling anyone.
>>If I were you, rather than engaging in sycophancy and trying to
>>‘capitalize’ on the current turmoil in the AFPRC/APRC, I would be worrying
>>about ‘declaring’ your ‘assets’ and explaining your ‘association’ with
>>characters like Lang Conteh. Some of us could have told you ten years ago
>>that it is ONLY hard work that pays at the end of the day. All of this
>>sycophancy business and CORRUPTION would NOT take you anywhere. I thought
>>the AFPRC/APRC sycophants would have learned from Baabaa (Blood Diamond
>>Dealer) Jobe’s and Yankuba Touray’s plight and disengage from the
>>sycophancy business. What was the first thing Baabaa (Blood Diamond
>>Dealer) Jobe and Yankuba Touray said when they were disgraced? ‘We still
>>support the president; we are loyal to APRC, the president has the
>>interest of the country at heart’. What has that earned them? It just
>>shows that these people are slaves. Even when they are being abused, they
>>do NOT have the guts to stand their ground.
>>Rather than talk about Yaya directly, they are trying to ‘blame’ Yaya’s
>>‘advisers’. This coming from people that know full well that Yaya does NOT
>>take anyone’s advise. The people that have ‘fallen’ (including Tombong)
>>are merely trying to wriggle their way back into the fold by undermining
>>their fellow cohorts. By saying that Yaya is getting wrong advise, they
>>hope to avoid the current ACCOUNTABILITY visiting the country. What they
>>do NOT realize is that this is now out of Yaya’s hands. This is a train
>>wreck that even Yaya himself CANNOT stop. If he tries to do so, ‘donors’
>>would pounce on the country and render an already battered population more
>>destitute. The end result would be that the people would get rid of Yaya
>>rather face the prospect of eating grass. Anyway you look at it,
>>CORRUPTION is going to bring the AFPRC/APRC down.
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