Mr. Sey,

Thanks for your response and the clarifications and assurances provided
therein.  Have a good day.

Sidi Sanneh

----Original Message Follows----
From: ESSA BOKARR SEY <[log in to unmask]>
Reply-To: [log in to unmask]
To: [log in to unmask]
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2004 06:38:29 -0800 (PST)

ESSA BOKARR SEY <[log in to unmask]> wrote:Mr Manneh,
Please! I do hope that me using the word GCAA is not personalised
here.Maimouna is the person that we saw on observer,but Essa is seeing the
GCAA in this case not a person per se.No one is attempting to criticise
Maimouna unfairly here.What do you really mean by unfairly? Actually you are
repeating what I said that is,the British embassy's note verbale was
strengthening what Maimouna said earlier on as per the details that were
outlined therein.However,brother please once again read the title of that
press release plus that of the bbc news item and then that may help you see
where I am coming from.That maybe the very reason why the British ambassador
saw the need to come and further clarify the issue.The British ambassador
was neither supporting the release nor against any institution he simply
clarified the points.Compare hsi heading and that of the GCAA press release
and then the bbc report and see.
Actually Sidi I wish we could elaborate more on this without taking sides or
me being forced to be pouncing on any one's soul here.I have been on several
occasions to the FAA bureau and we spoke at length on this issue.Telling
people numbers of how many airlines are registered does not make one an
expert on measures that are geared towards counter terrorism etc etc.Look at
what the British diplomat wrote once again,it is not all that a blue print
that favours our airline industry at all.Please Sidi do not turn this to a
debate where one is attacking Maimouna. I do not know Maimouna to warrant
personal attacks and it is obvious that Maimouna does know me either! I
happen to know Jabang,who maybe her Boss or so, and Jabang has been very
instrumental in certain things that we initiated together.Jabang will not
react the way you did because he would know where I am coming from if he
does I am sure it maybe things were misinterpreted for him. Jabang knows me
and we used to speak !
on this
so was i speaking to Njok Cham.Jabang has been good and has done his
best.That is why I blamed the higher authorities and not the GCAA
management.Look at my postings once again and read yours please do me that
afvour.Me mentioning Njok Cham was meant to speak on retroactive issues and
not attacking anyone at the moment.My involvement and my understanding
towards these issues that affect our darling industry goes beyond personal
attacks,I am in for deeper things that can help in the long run.
Does that mean whenever Maimouna sends a press release and it is
criticised,then she is being "whipped"as a person? I did not feel that way
and please be rest assured that category one is not going to be if what am
talking about is neglected.Well the department of state of Justice can send
you numbers not me.
Find out from the former IG Ebou Njie and former sos interior and ask them
who helped in getting computers and other gadgets that were meant for border
protection and airport facilities.Find out? I usually do not personalise
things because national development is beyond that.
The last time I was at the dept of state for justuc, I was asked to be
present because someone had to search for documents relating to an airline
etc. Those papers were needed to convince the FAA and world airline.
Any gvt out side be it the British or the Americans will only recognise a
carrier that uses The Gambia's name if that particular carrier was
registered and licensed back home.Therefore the importance of the GCAA and
the local authorities influences the other side.If those licenses are being
questioned then Sidi that is my worry nothing more nothing less!
Please do not see this as anti Maimouna or anti Kumba,she represents an
institution therefore has to face criticism,period.For the records brother I
never criticised Maimouna I wrote about the GCAA on a topic that I feel I
have something to share with anyone who cares.The FAA,Air France and those
poeple i met in HUNgary and other places might have at least helped in this
discussion,if only yhey knew that Gambia-l is here nd Sidi wants to know

Sidi M Sanneh wrote:
Dear Mr. Sey,

In all fairness to Ms. Maimouna Taal, MD of GCCA, she tried to cover all the
essential elements in her press release in reassuring Gambians and all users
of the relative safety of the Banjul International Airport (BIA) facility
following the BBC story as any responsible manager should. I see the
British High Commission's statement as re-enforcing Maimouna Taal's release
which stressed the need for GCCA to continue their efforts in strenghtening
the safety oversight of aircrafts registered or airlines certified in The
Gambia. In short, there is little or no difference between the MD's press
release and that of the BHC. She deserves commendation for the timely
re-assurance of the flying public, ratherr than being critisized unfairly,
IMHO. This young lady needs all the encouragement from all quarters. I
know she enjoys the support of the Americans, British and others that will
benefit from a more secure BIA. May I ask: How many aircrafts are
registered or certified in The Gambia. Only Millenium Air comes to mind.
If there are others within this category, please share it with us. I thank
you in advance.

Sidi Sanneh

----Original Message Follows----
Reply-To: [log in to unmask]
To: [log in to unmask]
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2004 04:34:33 -0800

Recently we revisited the famous press release from the GCAA.In a satire
that i wrote certian issues were presented in a condensed way.Once again
let's continue this piece in a more explicit way...The issue of
flights,registration of airline companies is so important in this modern
world that,The Gambia Gvt should NOT! only rely on press releases and note
verbales from embassies that maybe full if blames and counter accusations
here and there.In this world that is full of terror-breeding ponds any gvt
that wants to save it's country's image should not brush off such releases
and then relax.
The British embassy has made it categorically clear now that,the GCAA in
particular has not yet met ALL! the requirements.The press release from the
embassy was an intervention to clarify what led to such a ban BUT IT DID NOT
DENY THAT there is still much to be desired from Banjul.It is not surprising
because the FAA-federal aviation authority harbours the same feelings when
it comes to our darling GCAA.
In the press release of the British embassy we can see that it is stressing
the need for improvement.Indeed this does not affect the open skies
agreement.That agreement was also signed between The Gambia and the USA in
2000 under the able leadership of former SOS Sarjo Jallow.Isatou Jallow was
the legal advicer of GCAA at the time.I do believe that Njok Cham is one of
the best directors that the agency can have.Why he was fired is beyond
me.Well I will not be surprised to hear that he was this and that or he did
this and that,because in Banjul the state house is so "clean" that! whoever
they fire,change,piss off or fall apart with that person is the bad one and
they are good!
This makes me laugh because that IS AN ABSOLUTE BLUE,BLACK AND PURPLE
There are intellectuals who have been off the hook and today they are
recognised all over the world doing wonders.Infact no one so far has ever
been fired or otherwise and then that person has not achieved some'n better!
better!!! than when he or she was working under the culture of electric
brooms and funny stuff like that!
Sometimes it is the people in the streets who are the poor victims,most of
us are not familiar with these technicalities and the administrative jargons
that some directors,permanent secretaries play with here and there so it
appears either confusing or or convincing,when the content are not true!!!
Combersome approaches and extraordinary excuses through texts and stratified
layers of jargons can be simply compiled by verbous technocrats but
production can never faked.
There are many things that are coming now which were started by former sos's
or others,but it appears like those on now are the ones who did it,not at
This is exactly why I wrote the satire PAINTING IMAGES IN THE AIR...However
much or however hard people work if the cradle itself is wet or acidic then
it will be hard to realise results.That is why some people use such outlets
to share their views and at leats give in what they know.Poeple on line are
strong intellectuals so I see no reason why civil servants should not be
engaing them and discuss issues.Many civil servants back home will tell you
NET...That is nonsense!!!!some civil servants receive worst insults at work
than what they may expect on line.I for one have been on for years now but
that has not reduced my ability or my respect within any milieu that am
currently serving.So communciation is very vital.I do not even know why such
press releases are not being directly forwrded to the L and the post after
There are many on line who maybe able to help the GCAA solve their problems
forthwith.But back home even if one is good at this teh moment he or she
criticises then that person should not even be approached for help! Why?!
If I know that Haruna Darboe can help be rest assured even if he has a dog
near his hosue I will come and aks for his assistance.NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT
We can even be analysing a lot of releases from certain corners in Banjul on
line and show those affected where they need to improve.That can continue
even when another gvt comes to replace the present statusquo.Gambians like
the idea of tagging and saying "bul waha mom sahh!"


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