I think the F.C.C. really screwed itself by not giving a full
term to licensees who upgraded after the new requirements were
instituted in 2,000.  It had to process lots and lots of
applications for upgrading at the time from people who did not
require testing to upgrade.  Had it given the full 10 year term
it would have been at least 10 years before it had to reprocess
those applications again.  As it is it now has to do so in
varying degrees in increments of less than 10 years.  It has to
take all that time and do all that paperwork sooner than it
otherwise would have had it gone along with the old policy of a
full term upon upgrading.  It really cut off its nose to spite
its face in my opinion.  73.

Harvey Heagy (N.5.H.A.U.)