<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

My fellow gluten intolerant,  Good news for many of you!  So many of us
have sluggish functioning thyroid glands, but many who have suffered
classic symptoms of hypothyroid disease have been told for years that
their thyroid function is "normal."  But now, the range for "normal"
thyroid function has just been dramatically narrowed.  This means that
millions may now officially "qualify" as hypothyroid and finally get the
treatment they need. Here is a link to an article about it:

Classic hypothyroid function manifests with some or all of the following
symptoms:  fatigue, depression, low body temperature, cold intolerance,
muscle stiffness & pain, weight gain, thinning hair, brittle and/or
misshapened nails, pallor, puffiness especially around the eyes, face and
lower legs, unexplained anemia, high cholesterol, poor digestion,
constipation & food allergies, poor concentration, forgetfullness, "brain
fog," etc.  I suffered most of these symptoms for 10 years until I
finally talked my doctor into prescribing a low dose of Armour thyroid
about one year ago.  The improvement in the way I felt and functioned was
significant.  I know of two pathetic women who were so desparate to get
treatment for their low thyroid function, they actually mail ordered
Armour thyroid from a Mexican pharmacy (which can be done legally in the
US).  Both reported improvements in their health after beginning thyroid
supplementation.  But, don't mistake me here.  I'm not recommending
anyone try this at home!  Thyroid replacement is risky business and
should be medically supervised.

Valerie in Tacoma

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