Ken & Kendall:

Well, you two were the only replies!

I bought both (Jet 2 & Ranger II) power chairs, though
I've only used the Jet 2 so far.     So I can't
compare  it to anything but scooters.

Mt impressions:
- tho more maneuverable   than a scooter, that same
maneuverability has caused scars on every door in my
house & most of the walls!  The Jet 2 has too many
projections that scratch or catch on things, compared
to my Rascal.
- the chair is super quiet indoors (much to my dog's
- the footplate means it's hard to keep my feet on it
(the toes stick out anyway), when tone kicks in & I go
spastic my feet go off the plate & stick out in front
of me. (My Rascal has a front 'shroud' & a rim around
the floorboard, so my feet can't97 go anywhere.)

I'm going to get some tips from friends who use power
chairs, but for now my only advice is to keep the
speed down.

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