In a message dated 12/18/2003 3:44:04 PM Eastern Standard Time, [log in to unmask] writes:
Why the hell do you think George Washington and William Shakespeare and all those people came to the US of A in the first place?  Funny, I don't remember old Billy boy coming over here.  Did he cross the Deleware, too?  Soitinly, he was there with Billy the Kid and Aaron Copeland on the Titanic.  Where did you learn history, anyway?  Or were you one o'  them HERstory libber types? Then there's the boiled cardboard that they eat over there (which, with their rotten teeth  They think we're weird because so many kids (and some adults) over here have braces  They got THAT right, at least. Take it from one who pays. , makes a certain amount of sense, now that you mention it)  The hockey pucks, er excuse me, black pudding was "interesting" With that description, you should go into the Diplomatic Corps. , and driving backwards  felt pretty weird sitting in the driver's seat without a steering wheelYeah, well, you didn't ask ME whether everything was going to seem normal over there, didja? And let's not forget their funny accents, which make them sound like they'd be HAPPY to pick up the soap  Hiya and cheers More like, "Hi, sailor, new in town?"   I must admit I'm kinda used to warm beer now I think you have just crossed the line into obscenity, young lady.  Let's hear no more on that subject.  Not one word. Talk about "shit"and "picking up the soap" all you want, but W*** B*** is beyond the limits of decency. I'm feeling ill already, although the rage over there these days appears to be Budweiser!  Please, God, tell me they're not drinking Bud warm.  Might as well turn the country over to the Towel Heads.  Then again, if they're drinking warm Bud, who cares?
Fuhgeddaboudit.  Watch out, Witold, I'm going to womit in my boots.
Joisey Boy Feelin' Queasy