Hello - I am new on the list here on VICUG-L and I have several questions, for the BrailleNote.  I am a great notetaker tech support person, though I am 13, I use Pulsedata and I am a wizz at this.  All I'd like to know is why, and I'm not talking about all the time, be sometimes my email, when I am trying to send an email, or even receive it, my BrailleNote really acts funny.  My directory of services is all corect, (trust me, I got it memorized from A to Z) and I have a loner, could just be the battery.  But, if anyone has any answer, I'd be just so delighted hear back.  Oh, and I'm a new Jaws user, would someone like to email me a nice little list of all the Jaws commands please? That would be great.  And I'm also thinking of a cell phone, though I would like to get Cingular, (which has the best deals) I want to know if I could get a phone cheaper or if I can get a cheap BLINDNESS phone, thanx!!!!!!

Cody Hurst

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