>How long did it take for you to notice health benefits...

I noticed improvements almost immediately.  A lifetime of insominia went
away in maybe three days.  My energy increased and held steady through the
day in more like 48 hours.  Initial weight loss was also quick.  I lost
fifty pounds in six months.  I'm having trouble now but I'll never switch
back.  I also have a much higher disease resistance.  I took a half-day off
late last month with my first bout with illness in six years.  And it wasn't
that bad.

As for costs, well, a lot of people eat meat, meat and more meat.  Others
(myself included) eat only a little more meat than they did before, getting
many of their calories from healthy fats and eating a good amount of
ultra-low-carb vegetables.  Learn to bargain shop (I'm a bargain QUEEN!) and
you'll find it's not as expensive as many people think.  Right now,
Denver-area Albertson's stores have boneless/skinless chicken breasts at
buy-one-get-one-free.  Bing badda bing!  When you find meat on sale, stock
up.  Your ability to fight illness will more than pay for any 'expensive'
food you buy.

Good luck!  I'll let others suggest good reading material.  Go whole hog (as
it were) and keep us posted.  There are more than a few former vegetarians
on this list, BTW.

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

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