
good riddance of a sick leader - should have taken place long time ago by the Iraqis

good night

>From: Ebou Jallow <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list              <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Bush calls for Hussein?s execution:
>Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2003 16:18:35 -0500
>Quite interesting read.  The motivations behind the stories/theories are
>quite complex and sensational.  Nevertheless I believe it does make alot
>of strategic sense during the Cold War for the US to support Sadam
>against Iran.  Well times have changed now, and the New World order has
>rearranged strategic priorities whilst despots like Sadam have failed to
>smell the coffee....too bad for him.  He shall fine it almost
>immpossible to convince anybody in any court of law.  This current Bush
>administration is impatient with UN courts when people like Slobodan
>Milosevic has been on trial for more than a year...and he is currently
>running for local elections.  The UN tribunal for Rwanda has only 17
>convictions over 9 years at a runnning cost of $80M per annum.
>I agree with GW Bush that justice for despots should be short and swift:
>August 3, 1979- Francis Nguema of Equitorial Guinea was executed by a
>Moroccan firing squad after being overthrown a few months before in a
>military coup. Crime- Genocide
>Yet another sweet example-  In 24th December, 1989, another communist
>dictator Nicolas Ceaucescu and his wife Elena where both sent to the
>gallows by a nilitary tribunal only 24 hours after their arrests...!
>Crime- Genocide.
>So why not Sadam whose crimes ranges from rape, genocide and sponsoring
>international terror?
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