Hi Catherine.

The AbleData searchable database (<www.abledata.com>) of assistive
technology devices contains information about dozens, perhaps hundreds of
alternative computer input devices many of which might be useful for the
purpose you've identified.  This NIDDR-funded service has product
information for almost 30,000 devices.

As well as being able to conduct your own searches, the site has a number of
links to pre-defined searches of the database that seem to be appropriate
for this gentleman.  I'm referring to a page on the site at this address:
 <http://www.abledata.com/text2/computers.htm> that leads to various
categories of computer-related a.t. devices.

The following sections of links found on that web page might prove
especially useful:

"Cursor Control Accessories"

"General Input Interfaces"

"Mouse and Track Ball"

"Motor Disability Access"

Those are my best guesses for which pre-defined database searches might best
meet this man's needs but there very well may be others.

Hope that helps.

-----Original Message-----
From: Catherine Alfieri [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Saturday, November 08, 2003 9:25 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Advice sought

I have had the opportunity to meet a gentleman through my disability
advocacy work who is severely affected by cerebral palsy.  He has extremely
limited speech and very limited movement in one finger.  He does have a
Dynovox system.  He is also learning disabled.  He is very anxious to have
computer solutions that meet his needs.  This may be somewhat similar to the
case Kathy Cahill presented several weeks ago.

I would imagine this gentleman would profit from a screen reader software
package.  We would like to find some sort of pointing device he could manage
to help him navigate the various programs and surf the web.  Any suggestions
would be most welcome.  Thank you so very much!

Catherine Alfieri
7 Summer Tree
Pittsford, NY 14534
Monroe County Women's Disability Network
[log in to unmask]
RochEd Online
St. John Fisher College - MSTE 260 Course

 See EASI Special October Bonus offer at http://easi.cc/clinic.htm
EASI November courses are:
Barrier-free E-learning, Accessible Internet Multimedia and Business
Benefits of Accessible IT Design:
EASI Home Page http://www.rit.edu/~easi

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 See EASI Special October Bonus offer at http://easi.cc/clinic.htm
EASI November courses are:
Barrier-free E-learning, Accessible Internet Multimedia and Business Benefits of Accessible IT Design:
EASI Home Page http://www.rit.edu/~easi

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