<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello to the list,

Our Pedo. GI has recommended a repeat Endoscopy on my 12 YO
son Dx'd nine months ago because, of a recent positive tTGA. The
values for this test were not reported in the same values as our prior
blood test results for me to compare the numbers for improvement. My
son had stopped growing and since the diet has grown three inches.
I do not see the point in a repeat endoscopy or a challange, which I
know is outdated and rarely practised and I told the Dr. so. I also
asked about using a different Lab so that we could obtain meaningful
values. He did agree to this.

Any advise or study references would be appreciated. I've already
checked the archives under "Challange".

Cathy, Pittsburgh

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