Our local New Mexico newspaper has been carrying articiles rfecently re. the well known Navajo professional golfer, Notah Begay, leading Native Americans in a campaign to spread awareness of Indian diabetes.  Stats show that Indian diabetes death rates are 420 percent higher than the population as a whole. 

Mr. Begay led a "walk" in Albuquerque Wednesday in the "opening salvo in a war aimed at improving Native Americans' health."

Does anyone know how to get in contact w/ Mr. Begay?  I think that someone from this list should volunteer to contact him and let him know about the paleo way of eating. 

I remember being up in the Navajo reservation a few years ago and watching people who were hunters and gatherers not too long ago standing around eating Indian fry bread; they were right across from a diabetes clinic.  I remember thinking, what's wrong with this picture?
