Kathy Jo,

You should investigate the programs that SSI has for people who want to work.
Specifically, inquire about a plan to achieve self support. This is called a
PASS for short. This allows people to get a job, without jeopardizing their
SSI for a certain number of years. SSI gives you a certain amount of money each
month to save up to buy equipment for your job needs,
Such as a computer, software and training, you can also buy a wheelchair
accessible van if you need transportation to get to a job. The thing about a PASS
is you need to justify everything in writing first. then you need to keep good
records of each purchase. You should talk to a benefits/SSI expert at your
local center for independent living.

In addition there is the 1619 plan, where a severely disabled person can make
a certain amount of money each month without jeopardizing their SSI.  Last
time I checked you could earn up to 500 a month.

Then there is the Ticket to work incentive, which is a new plan and I don't
know enough about it to tell you about it.  But the point is, that there ARE
plans out there that will not interfere with your SSI.

As to your making bad decisions in the past. Have you learned from your
mistakes?  There are nondisabled folks out there who make mistakes all the time and
they are not banned from making more mistakes for the rest of their lives.
How do we grow if we don't make mistakes? How do we learn if not from trying?
