Hi Jane,

I'm exactly the same!  I can eat lean turkey or skinless chicken breasts
until the cows come home and still feel unsatisfied.  I feel much more
satiated with dark cuts of poultry and red meats (as rare as possible),
especially fatty lamb.  I tried Cordain's approach -- lean meats, etc and
it didn't work out for me (felt frequently hungry and the allowed fruit was
bloating me) - but his plan certainly works wonders for others and I agree
with the poster who said that Cordain's book has helped bring the no
grain/no dairy/no legume/no sugar concept to the masses.  Also, he has been
most helpful in answering questions, both most recently and when I tried
his approach to the letter yet still felt hungry.  Despite the fact that I
believe that for whatever metabolic reason I require far less carbs and far
more purines and saturated fat for energy, I think his regime could
certainly be a healthful diet for those who feel best on leaner proteins,
fat and can tolerate more carbs than me. His book also contains much
interesting info and some delicious recipes.