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Hi List-

Just hoping you can shed some light on this...

Is there any research suggesting that common childhood illnesses deserve
special consideration for treatment in kids w/ celiac disease? For example,
when kids w/ cystic fibrosis get so much as a sniffle, they are immediately
put on antibiotics-- to ward off bacterial infections.

I am asking this because my 18-month old celiac son has been to the E.R. far
too often in his short life because he has fever's that won't subside w/
Motrin & Tylenol (no other symptoms like runny nose, cough, etc. are
present). After 3 or so days, we take him to the Dr., only to be told it's a
virus. In every instance he has had huge tonsils, and refuses to eat, as
well as the usual distended belly. His blood work shows high WBC's, but
cedrate(sp?), and other tests appear normal. Only after starting antibiotics
does he begin to improve. This is a vicious cycle for us, and I'm wondering
if viruses are a 'different' kind of beast in kids w/ compromised immune
systems. He just can't seem to shake things. I also wonder if the fever's
don't break because he is not absorbing the meds properly.

It's so frustrating for me to take him in to the Dr., and be told there is
nothing we can do-- until we end up in E.R.. I am the mother of 3 other
kids, and I know I am not over-reacting...my baby is different!

If any of you have come across any info on the treatment of common childhood
sicknesses in celiac kids, PLEASE pass it along to me.

Hopefully I made some sense! Thanks for your help.

Richelle in UT

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