<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Okay folks...sorry it took me so tremendously long to
get a sumary out to you. As soon as I hit a lull in
recieving messages I began to compile them into a word
document and  then my email server started going buggy
as did my internet connection. (When it rains it pours,
no?) Once things finally got up and running I began to
recieve an new batch of responses...y'all have such
great information!!!!

So...here's the word...essentially drops like these are
more likely to help with an ALLERGY and on some
occasions a mild intolerance...but the general
consensus is NOT for celiac ( an intolerance that
actually results in big time damage to the body as if
you didn't already know). No one that responded had
actually taken similar drops after diagnosis, but some
had prior to, or for other food related
allergies/intolerances. Some folks even mentioned that
in mixtures like this one, the actual grains are not
present...they are so dilluted it is said to be
their "essence"...so it is possible that if the alcohol
in the drops were safe then the drops would actually be
GF. I have tried to locate the company that distributes
the drops, but havn't been able to....perhaps someone
out there may know of them (Progressive Laboratories of
Irving, Texas).

I will continue to try to find the distributor, and I
plan to call the man that sent them my way, I just
havn't gotten there yet (I wanted your opinions first).

Also...if you would like a copy of the responses, I
will be happy to email them to you, as a word document
or just in the text of an email. The file is 11 pages
long and I didn't want to take up that much space in
anyone's inbox.

Thanks for all of your help!


Christine Pfund
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Gotta have that pFunk!

* Visit the Celiac Web Page at www.enabling.org/ia/celiac/index.html *