<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I started my 2 and a half year old autistic son on the GF/CF diet about a
month and a half ago. First, we went casein free (for about two weeks)
then we went gluten free. When we went casein free he had diarrhea
occasionally. Now, after going completely GF/CF he's had diarrhea for
about two weeks, and he seems to have abdominal discomfort. I thought
maybe he couldn't tolerate soy, so I changed from soy milk to rice milk.
I've also started giving him probiotics (good bacteria). There's still no
change in his bowel movements.

My understanding is that any changes in behavior we have seen so far would
be contributed to the CF diet because it takes months for gluten to leave
the system. I'm considering just keeping him on the CF diet and not the

Has anybody else experienced this dilemma? Any comments/suggestions would
be greatly appreciated.

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