On 12 Oct 2003 at 17:55, Laura Bruzas wrote:

> Hi,
> I started a club of "healthy diners" and have about 100 members in Chicago.
> Although each and every one of them have joined or
> requested information, I'm afraid some of my emails are not reaching them.
> Does anyone have any ideas to avoid filters or info on which ISPs use
> filters? Lastly what's getting "whitelisted" and is it a good thing?

  In filtering, a "blacklist" is a list of sources which will be blocked,
regardless of whether the content actually matches other filters or not.
  Similarly, a "whitelist" is a list of sources which will NOT be blocked,
regardless of whether the content actually matches other filters or not.
  So, being "whitelisted" means that the recipients' filters won't apply to
you.  That's what you want.

David Gillett

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