SmartDrive, in DOS, not the BIOS utility, you see at post, creates a disk
cache in extended memory, that can dramatically increases disk performance.
The 32768 is the buffer size of the user designated memory, in KB, this
number representing 32 megabytes of extended RAM.  The default amount, if
you were to just use this command = A:\SMARTDRV.EXE
  is 4 megabytes, however there is something about the NT/2000/XP setup
routine that runs very slowly when you use the default.

  Note: the setup routine will not start up unless you have smartdrv.exe

The next time you are at the Windows 9X DOS prompt try typing
:>smartdrv /?

and this will appear ...........................................

Installs and configures the SMARTDrive disk-caching utility.

SMARTDRV [/X] [[drive[+|-]]...] [/U] [/C | /R] [/F | /N] [/L] [/V | /Q | /S]
          [InitCacheSize [WinCacheSize]] [/E:ElementSize] [/B:BufferSize]

/X              Disables write-behind caching for all drives.
drive           Sets caching options on specific drive(s). The specified
                 drive(s) will have write-caching disabled unless you add +.
+               Enables write-behind caching for the specified drive.
-               Disables all caching for the specified drive.
/U              Do not load CD-ROM caching module.
/C              Writes all information currently in write-cache to hard disk.
/R              Clears the cache and restarts SMARTDrive.
/F              Writes cached data before command prompt returns (default).
/N              Doesn't write cached data before command prompt returns.
/L              Prevents SMARTDrive from loading itself into upper memory.
/V              Displays SMARTDrive status messages when loading.
/Q              Does not display status information.
/S              Displays additional information about SMARTDrive's status.
InitCacheSize   Specifies XMS memory (KB) for the cache.
WinCacheSize    Specifies XMS memory (KB) for the cache with Windows.
/E:ElementSize  Specifies how many bytes of information to move at one time.
/B:BufferSize   Specifies the size of the read-ahead buffer.

The NOSPIN Group

At 04:54 AM 10/25/2003, you wrote:
>Mark wrote:
><<Create a Autoexec.bat file and put this in it
>A:\SMARTDRV.EXE 32768>>
>Could you please explain to us the significance of the figure 32768 above?
>What exactly does Smartdrive do?

                         PCSOFT's List Owner's:
                      Bob Wright<[log in to unmask]>
                       Drew Dunn<[log in to unmask]>