Yes, pemmican sounds real interesting.  I've already downloaded the pemmican
file and also been browsing on the PaleoFood recipe page.  I do like beef
jerkey but have never tried making it.  Would it be best to invest in a
dehydrator?  Some of the jerkey recipes tell how to do it in the oven, but I
think my oven's lowest setting is 250.  Also, since I suspect a dehydrator
would be the way to go anyone have any recommendations on dehydrators?
Would there be any point in looking at WalMart?


On Fri, Oct 24, 2003 at 03:45:35PM -0500, Paleogal wrote:
> Kevin,
> Learn how to make beef jerky and pemmican.  Sounds like it will come in
> handy for you.....   Oliva