On Tue, 14 Oct 2003 23:27 Mike Knickerbocker wrote:

>Hi all,
>I've ... been
>following the caveman lifestyle for about 10 years
>-- or at least since I
>first read Ray Audette's book way back when.
>I'm a 39-year-old male and recently had my
>cholesterol checked. About seven weeks ago
>I got the results in the mail along with a prescription
>from my doctor for Zocor.


>Being very active and in what most would consider
>good shape, I've gotten a little loose over
>the years with my eating habits.

Mike, although you have posted to the Paleofood list, have you looked at
the other aspects of Ray Audette's all-round advice?  Coming up to 40,
you'll begin to see changes like those you describe and they may be more
related to other ways in whichyou are gently diverging from what you call
the caveman lifestyle.  Check your level and intensity of physical
activity, your sleep, whether your foods are organic (not merely Paleo by
type), is work (a very un-paleo activity) dominating your life, is
consumerism (another un-Paleo use of life time) important to you, are you
a good father (a very Paleo life way) etc. etc.

I'm not suggesting you answer these questions here on the list, just keep
the wide view.  Paleo food is important but, to the extent we all have to
apply it out of the Pleistocene context, we shouldn't expect eating the
Paleo foods - by any definition - to deliver much on their own.

As to cholesterol have a look at


If you have more than 15% body fat going into winter, Paleo exercise may
well do more to restore your cholesterol health than Paleo food.

Good luck in your campaign!
