That's great, Asdis,   I'm happy for you...

Asdis Jenna Astradsdottir wrote:

>Hello my family and friends,
>I am very happy to be able to tell you that I can now talk on the phone! I=
>still don=B4t understand how this thing works, I called my dad and spoke to=
>him tonight, and I could hear what he was saying. I was a little nervous=20
>but it went well. I wasn=B4t expecting to be able to hear so well, as I have=
>been deaf for some years. This is truly a miracle from god! Today I went to=
>Kringlan, I was able to communicate with my dad while I was in the car. I=20
>think this is unbelievable! I=B4m almost in tears, Thank you all so much for=
>your support. I am now ready to talk to you on the phone! Fri=F0rik, I have=
>one question for you; how can I use  M and T on the implant at the same=20
>time? I can=B4t change the settings myself, you understand what I=B4m=
> talking=20
>I look forward to HEAR from you all soon!!!
>=C1sd=EDs Jenna, who is so very happy!!!
>Asdis night owl mom of the purring cats, Agatha Mist queen of our apartment=
>and Odinn Thistill my little baby!!!
>implanted with CI NC24 18 Juni 2003.
>Hookup-date 15 august 2003
>[log in to unmask]
>[log in to unmask] msn messenger
>asdisj_astradsdottir yahoo id.
>Faith, Hope and Love.=20