The American Academy of Pediatrics also says to wait until at least 6
months, because most babies aren't "ready" to eat before then. THey need to
be sitting up, and not "thrusting" with their tongue, but swallowing.  And
in the rest of that first year, babies are just experiementing with tastes
and textures and not getting their nutrition from solid foods, but still
from breastmilk or formula.  La Leche League International recommends
awiting till at least 6 months, also because of potential problems with food
allergies.And the first foods recommended by them is bananas (tastes closest
to breastmilk) or ground meat (for iron.)

>Here in Sweden the authorities are now recommending that you wait with
>solid foods until the baby is 6 months old. I have no idea why, I just red
>it in a newspaper the other day.

-----Original Message-----
From: Alex Shvartsman <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Date: Sun, 5 Oct 2003 11:02:57 EDT
Subject: iron

I am starting my 4 month old son on solid foods soon. The doctors recommend
iron fortified rice cereal. I want to start with fruits and veggies, but I
concerned about anemia. what ate good sources of iron that can be fed to a 4
month old?

Thanx, Alex

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