>Thank you Maddy, for telling us that you DID lose your
>craving.  Maybe there's even hope, for me.
>I also hope others like me, who are "fighting this
>particular fight," will continue to post about their
>progress.  And maybe, even some setbacks...

Completely foregoing honey and processed sugar does, with a little time,
help eliminate the craving for sweets.  Getting to the sugar-free period
can be challenging, but exercise helps the process.  Sugar triggers the
release of insulin which converts glucose to glycogen to be used by the
muscles for fuel.  It helps to confront it from both sides.  Try to reduce
sugar consumption, but also increase the demand for glycogen.  Exercise
allows the bo
dy to complete the glucose-insulin-glycogen conversion process
by giving the body "space" to store the glycogen in the muscles which helps
reduce insulin resistance.  Without exercise the glycogen stores are always
full, and the body "resists" efforts to add more.
