From: "Frances Ross" <[log in to unmask]>

AGE's are produced by caramalising the outside of
food - so frying, grilling or roasting at high temperatures is out if you
to avoid them. So far Irish Stew OK unless you brown the top.

>For me Irish Stew would not be a good thing to eat.

Irish stew doesn't give me any problems......

>Home made tomato sauce was real bad.
>cannot eat food that has been cooked or fermented for long periods
>the symptoms were not
>worth it.

Tomato sauce and yogurt is another story......  About a year and a half ago
I found that yogurt bothered me a lot, nothing specific, just a general
fogginess in the head and tomato sauce has given me joint pains for a lot of
years but didn't realize it 'til I went paleo.  No big surprise with the
nightshade but the homemade yogurt really bothered me.  I don't miss it as
much as I used to......

Chichen soup is still a feel good food for me.  No browning or fermenting,
just simmering the contents.

Interesting post.  Thanks, Oliva