Have you tried replacing the memory modules to see if the problem goes away?
Also be sure to check the temperature of the processor. Just because all of
the fans are spinning does not mean that your computer is adequately cooled.
You can usually check the temperatures in the CMOS setup. Otherwise download
a free program called AIDA32 which should tell you the temperatures of the
processor and other useful information about your computer. The problem
could also be caused my a buggy program that the user installed. You already
confirmed that the power supply is not the cause of your problem so we can
rule that out. You also ruled out a virus as the cause of the problem so if
worse comes to worse, you may just have to repartition, reformat, and then
reinstall the operating system. Good luck and happy troubleshooting.

>From: [log in to unmask]
>Reply-To: PCBUILD - Personal Computer Hardware discussion List
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: [PCBUILD] random reboots, freeze; hardware or software?
>Date: Sun, 21 Sep 2003 10:55:37 -0500
>Hi -
>The subject is a IBM Netvista under win98. Originally it started random
>rebooting, Sometimes even during the windows boot. It passes all the IBM
>diagnostics (a special version of PC Doctor) without problem. All fans up
>and running OK. It tests free of viruses. Tried a new power supply, but
>the behavior did not change.
>Then tried reseating various things, and leaving out the sound card and
>network card. Windows froze during the boot. After replacing the the two
>cards, the self-reboots have been replaced by freezes (which require
>manual rebooting). The computer is happy running the diagnostic program
>(self-booting floppy) 24 hrs/day.
>No hardware or software changes occurred in the two months preceding the
>onset of the self rebooting.
>Of course, the computers chief user, a person near and dear to my heart,
>has not been backing up data files, so reinstalling the OS is not a
>preferred option, especially if there is any chance that hardware is at
>the heart of the matter.
>Ever hopeful of a happy ending and grateful for any insights,
>Louis Smogor
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