Well, you know the old saying: Life's a bitch and then you die.  I'm faced
with the nasty decision of whether or not to go on a toxic anti-seizure med
thanks to a grand mal seizure one week ago today.  I underwent brain surgery
ten years ago for a benign malformation and the partial seizure's IT brought
about and now this.  Ennyhoo, check this out from topamax.com:

--Kidney stones have occurred in people taking TOPAMAX, and the risk could
increase when combined with other drugs that can cause kidney stones.

Also, some children may be on a ketogenic diet - a special high-fat,
low-carbohydrate diet to help control seizures. The ketogenic diet can also
cause kidney stones. Combined use of TOPAMAX and the ketogenic diet should
be avoided.--

This seems like pure horse sh*t to me.  A ketogenic diet has a diuretic
affect.  Wouldn't this actually PREVENT kidney stones?  Tawk amongst

I will say, Topamax has been shown to bring about significant weight loss.
I'm wondering if I should, perhaps, talk myself into this.  I detest
prescription meds but waking up in the back of an ambulance isn't much fun,

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

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