
I am also an 'old ham' - been licensed since 1969 and use logging
software for day-to-day and contesting.

For ordinary shack work I use turbolog.  It has recently been 'upgraded'
to version 4 which is based on the Windows platform and I haven't yet
tried this but I know that the authors were liaising with GW to try and
get it to work with access technology.

For contesting I use TR written and maintained by N6TR.
This is complex to set up but its use can be simple once done.
I also use this program to switch filters and VFOs on my ft1000mp.

I gave up on using Windows base programs and use a couple of old
machines using DOS.
access is with an old Juno speech Synthesizer and Hal, also an old
Navigator using Track.

Which software have you tried?

73 de Dave - G3YXX