EASI Quick Survey on Your Institution's Readiness for Users with Disabilities:
(While this survey focuses on the needs in educational settings, it has
broad applicability.)

1. Does your institution have a mechanism to provide adaptive technology
for students, faculty or employees with disabilities?
don't know

2. Does your institution ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliance
officer have a plan to guarantee that your institution provides adaptive
technology for this population?
Don't know

3. Does your institution computing center have a designated technician to
provide know-how about and support for adaptive technology?
Don't know

4. Does your Disabled Student Services Office or HR department provide
information and support on adaptive technology to its clients?
don't know

5. Does your institution's library have an active program to provide access
to its information technology systems for students, faculty or employees
with disabilities?
don't know

6. Does your institution webmaster (or some other designated person) check
official institution web pages for their accessibility to users with
don't know

7. Does your institution information technology staff consider the adaptive
technology needs of students when giving support and training to faculty?
don't know

8. Do faculty or trainers using educational technology or distance learning
technology in their courses take the adaptive technology needs of students
into consideration when designing their materials?
don't know

9. When people or departments make equipment purchases, does your
institution require them to consider whether that equipment is compatible
with adaptive technology hardware and software?
don't know

10. When people or departments make software purchases, does your
institution require them to consider whether that software is compatible
with adaptive hardware and software?
don't know

For every 'yes' that you marked above, give yourself 10 points; for every
'no' give yourself 0, and for every 'don't know' give yourself 5 points.

If your total is 80 or above, excellent. Please contact EASI so we can
learn from what you are doing.

If your total is 60-79, you have made a good start, and EASI would like to
assist you in becoming even more proactive and moving forward.  This course
may be the place to begin: http://easi.cc/workshops/adaptit.htm

If your grade is below 60, EASI recommend that you consider taking several
of EASI's online courses and interactive clinics
<http://easi.cc/workshop.htm> and also that you having an EASI diagnostic
visit to your institution.

If you marked several "don't knows," you need to research services on your
institution to determine your institution' ability to serve the needs of
students, faculty and staff with disabilities and to comply
with the mandates of disability legislation.

EASI Online Course: Barrier-free Information Technology
September 2-26 entirely online with interaction with course colleagues and
with instructors.

Lesson 1: Introductions and definitions
Lesson 2: Four reasons to provide barrier-free educational technology
Lesson 3: computer input problems and solutions
Lesson 4: Computer output problems and solutions
Lesson 5: Compensatory Strategies and Disability Etiquette
Lesson 6: Access to print information
Lesson 7: Access to physical facilities and staff training
Lesson 8: Planning for an Accessible Campus or Institution

                EASI September Courses http://easi.cc/workshop.htm
Advanced Barrier-free Web Design
Barrier-free Information Technology
Learning Disabilities and Accessible IT
. .. . . . . . . .
                Norman Coombs
CEO EASI (Equal Access to Software and Information)
                (949) 922-5992 (cell)

September online courses on accessible information technology:
Barrier-free Information Technology http://easi.cc/workshops/adaptit.htm
Advanced Barrier-free Web Design http://easi.cc/workshops/advwbsyl.htm
LD and Information Technology http://easi.cc/workshops/ld.htm
EASI Home Page http://www.rit.edu/~easi
CCourses and Clinics http://easi.cc/workshop.htm
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