<< If ever you want a blood test, use this service.
Time being money, even if you had NO co-pays it is NOT
worth it to see the doctor when you can get what your
looking for with no hassle. >>

There are some thyroid patients who do have insurance
but use HealthcheckUSA because they're tired of
arguing with their pain-in-the-arse docs who refuse to
order the tests!

Also note that they can do some tests that aren't
listed on the site -- just call the toll-free number
and ask if they can add it on to whatever you're
ordering and if they can, they'll tell you what it
costs.  I've done that to get the thyroid antibodies
test added to the CTP II, and to get the adrenal
antibodies test (it's a specific one, can't remember
the name of it).

<< I can't thank you enough for posting this site! >>

You're welcome!  Your doc won't order the tests you
want?  Just flip 'em the bird and go to

Lynda Bryson
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